

Robovie-R4 is a state-of-the-art robot platform for communication research. It combines a humanoid upper body with a robust rover base, enabling smooth and stable navigation in various environments. It also features high expandability, allowing users to customize it with different sensors and devices according to their research objectives. Robovie-R4 supports ROS1 message communication, which facilitates integration and control with other ROS devices. Robovie-R4 is an ideal solution for researchers who want to conduct advanced studies on human-robot interaction.


  • Robovie-R4 is a humanoid robot platform for communication research, with a friendly design and a stable mobility mechanism1.
  • It has a high-performance rover “Megarover Ver.3.0” that can run at up to 1.6 m/s and overcome small obstacles such as braille blocks.
  • It has a flexible upper body part with encoder-equipped DC motors that enable quiet and agile movements.
  • It has high expandability, allowing users to add various sensors and devices according to their needs.
  • It supports ROS1 message communication, which enables easy control and integration with other ROS devices.

For more information, please visit Vstone’s website (Japanese)

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