Niryo One is a collaborative and open source 6-axis robot made in France for:
- Higher education
- Vocational training
- R&D laboratories
Its use is particularly adapted to study robotics and programming in the context of the industry 4.0.
A powerful robot
- Powered by Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
- 3 Dynamixels XL servomotors.
- 3 Smart stepper motors.
Effective design
- Affordable and polyvalent.
- 6 degrees of freedom to stay true to the industry context.
- Based on ROS.
- Animated by MoveIt.
Gazebo simulation
- ROS Package
- ROS Package Simulation
- V-REP model available soon.
- Use for simulation and Digital-Twin.
Multiple End Effectors
- 3 different grippers,
- A vacuum pump,
- And an electromagnet.
A full open source robot
- 3D printed
- Source code and STL files accessible
- Fully customizable