

MD80 is a small, highly integrated brushless motor controller dedicated for advanced robotic solutions. MD80 can be integrated with a great variety of professional as well as hobby-grade brushless motors. High power output combined with a high resolution encoder and a fast FDCAN communication bus makes the controller a perfect fit for walking robots, robotic arms, exoskeletons and many more.

To make the system more user-friendly we developed a CANFD to USB dongle called CANdle (CAN + dongle). This converter makes it easy to control the actuators from your PC, or SBCs such as Raspberry PI. With a recent update we added additional SPI bus capability which allows to reach high communication speeds (over 700Hz update rate with 3 motors, over 500Hz with 6 motors, and over 350 Hz with 12 motors on the same CANFD bus).


Please see our getting started guide to see the system setup:

The control software is available in both C++ and Python, as well as in form of ROS and ROS2 nodes. In the CANdle github repo you will find basic examples that will get you ready for writing your own code and running MD80 controllers in your custom application.

It is possible to integrate the MD80 controller with any brushless motor of your choice within specs - we will assemble and calibrate the setup to make sure it will work flawlessly.


We know that the environment in which the robots are operating is sometimes very demanding. This is why we introduced the IP67 rated actuators that can withsand harsh conditions.


Completely custom actuator solutions are possible as well - including the ones with an absolute encoder on the ouput shaft. Please feel free to contact us:

See the actuators performance on one of our legged robot videos:

Manual for MD80
