The AscTec Pelican and Hummingbird quadrotor helicopters are built by Ascending Technologies and can be interfaced with ROS.
Refer to the asctec_drivers and mav_tools installation instructions.
To get started with the driver, refer to the tutorials on the [[asctec_drivers](]] and [[mav_tools]] installation instructions.
To get started with the driver, refer to the tutorials on the [[asctec_drivers) page.
- AscTec Wiki: a community wiki maintained by the CCNY Robotics Lab. It contains useful information about the !AscTec quadrotors’ software and hardware.
- AscTec Users mailing list community mailing list, maintained by theCCNY Robotics Lab.
- the ROS question-and-answer board. Please tag you questions with “ccny-ros-pkg” as well as any other relevant tags